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Acorduri ale DPPPD cu alte institutii de profil

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  • Lifelong Learning Programme: Higher Education (Erasmus) – 2011-2012; Mobility of stdents and teachere between University of Hertfordshire UK HATFIEL England and University of Oradea, Romania- RO ORADEA 01; florica.ortan@yahoo.com.
  • Erasmus Within the Lifelong Learning Programme Bilateral Agrement for the academic year 2010 – 2011 – 2011 – 2012; florica.ortan@yahoo.comStudent and Teacher Mobility between Stockholms Universitet, S Stockh001, Suedia, Educ number: 29366–1C–1–2008–1–SE–ERSAMUS–EUCX–1 şi Universitatea din Oradea, România, Educ number: 44253–1C–1–2007–1–RO–ERASMUS–EUCX–1; florica.ortan@yahoo.com.
  • Inter–institutional  Agreement  LLP programme: HIGHER EDUCATION (Erasmus) Student and teacher mobility between: Akershus University College Lillestron Norvegia  N BEKKEST01 and University of Oradea, România ROORADEA01 – 2010 – 2013. florica.ortan@yahoo.com.
  • Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus,  2009/2010 – 2012/2013. Mobility of students and teachers between Central Ostrobothnia University of Applied Sciences Kokkola (cod Erasmus SF Kokkola05) and University of Oradea, România ( Erasmus code RO ORADEA01); contact personLetiţia Filimon, e-mail: lfilimon@uoradea.ro.
  • Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus,  2009/2010 – 2012/2013. Mobility of students and teachers between Universidade do Porto (cod Erasmus P Porto 02) and University of Oradea, România (cod Erasmus RO ORADEA01); contact person Letiţia Filimon, e-mail: lfilimon@uoradea.ro
  • Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus,  2010/2011 – 2012/2013. Mobility of students and teachers between  Katholieke Hogeschool Zuid-Vest-Vlaanderen  ( Erasmus code B Kotrij01)and University of Oradea, România (cod Erasmus RO ORADEA01); contact person Letiţia Filimon, e-mail: lfilimon@uoradea.ro.
  • Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus,  2009 – 2013. Student and teacher mobility between   Pedagogische Hochschule Wien  (code Erasmus A Wien09) and Universty of Oradea, România (cod Erasmus RO ORADEA01); contact person Letiţia Filimon, e-mail: lfilimon@uoradea.ro
  • Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus,  2010/2011 – 2012/2013. Mobility of students and teachers between Universita degli Studi di Parma  (cod Erasmus I Parma01) şi Universitatea din Oradea, România (cod Erasmus RO ORADEA01); persoană de contact Letiţia Filimon, e-mail: lfilimon@uoradea.ro