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Accommodation in students' dormitories

Operation and accommodation in students' dormitories are governed by the Regulation of organization and operation of the dormitories, canteen and other facilities that provide services for students and the Framework Regulation of the University of Oradea on the accommodation in students’ dormitories.

Accommodation for some of our university students is provided in spaces designed for this purpose. The current accommodation capacity is of 1392 places, as follows:

  • Two dormitories of our University located in campus, accommodation capacity: 892 seats. C1 boys’ dormitory can accommodate 447 students.  Dormitory for girls C2 has a number of 445 seats. In both dormitories, the student can accommodate in:

    • rooms with 4-5 seats at a rate of 80 lei / month / person (student who is budgeted) or 140 lei / month / person (student who pay his/her taxes);
    • rooms with 3 beds at a rate of 100 lei / month / person (student who is budgeted) or 150 lei / month / person (student who pay his/her taxes);

For temporary accommodation will be charged a fee of 20 lei / day / student. The two dormitories can also temporarily accommodate other persons from within or outside the university at a price of 30 lei / day / person or 240 lei / month / person .













  • A new dormitory located in the campus is in completion stage (402 seats). A part of this building with a total of 200 seats is currently hosting boys. All rooms have a capacity of 3 beds, rates being of 130 lei / month / person (student who is budgeted), 180 lei / month / person (student who pay his/her taxes), 30 lei / day / person (temporary accommodation), 270 lei / month / person (persons who are within or outside the university).









  • A rented dormitory from the City Hall of Oradea, Str. Poienitei no. 25, with the accommodation capacity of 300 seats. Currently is hosting girls in a room of 4-5 seats, tariffs are 60 lei / month / person (student who is budgeted), 110 lei / month / person (student who pay his/her taxes), 20 / day / person (temporarily accommodation), 220 lei / month / person (persons who are from within or outside of the university).


The four students’ dormitories are equipped according to the current requirements and we estimate that they satisfy the accommodation needs of most students.

Allocation of seats in the dormitories is done by each faculty. The students who are orphans have priority for accommodation. This is also for the students from foster care or from child care homes and the students with good academic results, in descending order of their averages.

Students can fill in the application form and submit it to the secretariat of the faculty from June to September 19 for the upper year students and for the first year undergraduate students at the time when they had confirmed their seats. The effective accommodation of the students is made by the Management Committee of the Dormitory. The accommodation will be completed before the first day of the new academic year.

If will remain available places, the accommodation is done throughout the year, the applications for accommodation being recorded at the Registry office of the university and submitted at the office of Vice - Rector in charge with the management of the services for students and with social services.